Is the Dimethyl Sulfone which is an organsulfur compound (derived from sulfur) in our Lactic Acid products and Retinol Charisma 1% safe? What about allergies to this compound?

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  • Is the Dimethyl Sulfone which is an organsulfur compound (derived from sulfur) in our Lactic Acid products and Retinol Charisma 1% safe? What about allergies to this compound?
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Dimethyl Sulfone or Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is an organosulfur compound, that is, a a compound containing a sulfur atom.
This substance is one of the synergistic parts of DermShield, so it is found in many of our products.
Sulfur is one substance, and Dimethyl Sulfone is completely different with absolutly different properties.

MSM does not stimulate an allergic response and has been shown to improve immune function markers.
The first scientific investigation of MSM for skin health was published in 2015. Results showed significant imrovements in the number and severity of facial wrinkles, firmness, tone and texture.

Multiple human and animal trials indicate MSM may reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.
MSM was recognized by FDA as safe (GRAS) status.

In regards to sulfur, it is a chemical element that is naturally present in many amino acids and other important molecules in the body. In fact, after calcium and phosphorus, it is the third most abundant mineral in the human body. Sulfur is also found in many foods, such as garlic, onions, and broccoli. There is no true allergy to sulfur.
True allergy to sulfur is virtually impossible, as sulfur is present in all living tissues and humans cannot survive without it.

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