Are there any concerns with dental implants, or any other metal implants in the body, arrhythmia contraindications with the Triple MCH tx?

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  • Are there any concerns with dental implants, or any other metal implants in the body, arrhythmia contraindications with the Triple MCH tx?
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Treatment should NOT be performed on patients that are advised from a doctor to avoid treatments with electrical devices. For instance patients with implants (i.e. electrical devices such as a pacemaker) or other cardiac health issues that influence the heart rate. If they are concerned that they could be disturbed due to the electrical charges/pulses we always refer them to consult their doctor. Additionally, patients with illnesses such as epilepsy or other illnesses that could be disturbed by treatments with electrical impulses, patients that are pregnant, open wounds, and patients that are generally under the weather (not feeling well) should avoid this treatment as well. Having metal tooth implants is not a problem but might feel the current flow in this area a little more, so you may move quicker over the area or lower the intensity!

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