Would SOS or Igloo be a great post procedure product immediatly after laser?

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Both products are perfect post treatment but it depends on the treatment. Igloo Moist is perfect to cool the skin so post IPL or when the skin is feeling a bit stingy post superficial peels. SOS in perfect anytime the skin barrier has been disrupted, microablative and ablative. (Skin may need to cool post treatment) For microneedling, it is best to first apply our ampoules and/or Halo-Ronic and apply SOS the next day. SOS is meant to stay on the skin long enough to allow the skin to heal due to occulusive ointments.
Halo-Ronic serum is not sterile and can only be used for microneedling if the needles do not touch blood capillaries (0.3 mm).

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